The Rural Municipality of Tache has 2 water & sewer utility districts within its borders. The systems are managed and operated by the RM of Tache, but as with all utility systems in the Province of Manitoba, the Lorette and Landmark utility systems are regulated by the Public Utilities Board of Manitoba.
The Landmark Utility District shares the same boundaries as the Local Urban District of Landmark.
The Lorette Utility District varies from the boundaries of the Local Urban District of Lorette.
Water & Sewer bills for both districts are calculated quarterly and are mailed out every January, April, July, October with the due date being the last day of the following month.
If you are serviced by municipal water, sewer or both and do not receive a bill every 3 months, you should contact the R.M. of Taché Municipal office at (204) 878-3321 to avoid outstanding balances and penalties. Penalties are assessed at a rate of 1.25% immediately following the due date, and on the first day of each consecutive month until paid in full.
NEW TO LANDMARK - Effective January 1st, 2024, the Water and Sewer Rates have been increased to reflect operational costs.
To view the Public Utilities Board Order please click Landmark Utility - PUB Order No. 83/23
Purchasing, Selling or Renting?
Upon move in or vacating your residence, a photo must be obtained of your move in/final water meter reading.
The photo must be submitted using our online form found
HERE. If you are not able to provide a reading, please contact us as soon as possible to arrange for a meter reading to be done.
If you are renting, please discuss billing directly with your landlord.
E-Send enables us to send your Water & Sewer Utility bill to you directly via email. To register for this feature, please click