The purpose of the Emergency Plan is to provide direction in response to an emergency that exists or is imminent, or a disaster has occurred or threatens.
The contents of the Emergency Plan provides guidance for The Rural Municipality of Taché to respond to an emergency.
The plan will not prevent nor reduce the possibility of an emergency occurring, but will aid in providing a coordinated response in an effort to:
- prevent loss of life
- reduce harm or damage to the safety, health or welfare of people
- reduce damage to property or the environment
- restore essential services
The Emergency Plan does not alter or override the responsibilities of the Municipal Emergency Services such as police, fire or ambulance to take warranted extraordinary action for the safety and well being of the community, where time is of critical importance.
This plan can be implemented in whole or in part during an emergency by the appointed members of the Emergency Control Group and or their designates without declaring a state of Local Emergency.
If the magnitude of the emergency or disaster requires actions beyond the normal procedures and authorities of the Municipality:
- Council OR in the absence of quorum of council the Mayor in consultation with the Chief Administrative Officer, Emergency Coordinator and the Emergency Site Commander (police/fire if applicable)
may declare a state of local emergency.
The Emergency Measures Organization will be notified. EMO will in turn notify other provincial departments.
Upon declaring a State of Local Emergency, Council and or the Mayor shall ensure notification is made to:
- Residents of the community
- Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization
- Neighboring municipalities and communities as may be required.
The State of Local Emergency is in effect and can be enacted upon for up to 30 days from the time it was declared and resolution passed.
Any requests for an extension of 30 days must be made through Manitoba Emergency Measures and granted by the Minister responsible.
Emergency Powers may only be used after a State of Local Emergency has been declared to:
- utilize any real or personal property considered necessary to prevent, combat or alleviate the effects of any emergency or disaster
- authorize or require any qualified person to render aid of such type as that person may be qualified to provide
- control, permit or prohibit travel to or from any area or on any road, street or highway
- cause the evacuation of persons and the removal of livestock and personal property and make arrangements for the adequate care and protection thereof
- control or permit the movement of person and the removal of livestock from any designated area that may have a contamination or disease
- authorize the entry into any building, or upon any land without warrant
- cause the demolition or removal of any trees, structure or crops in order to prevent combat or alleviate the effects of an emergency or a disaster
- authorize the procurement and distribution of essential resources and the provisions of essential services
- provide for the restoration of essential facilities, the distribution of essential supplies and the maintenance and co-ordination of emergency medical, social and other essential services
- expend such sums as are necessary to pay expenses caused by the emergency or disaster
Termination of the State of Local Emergency will be decided by:
- Council
- Mayor
- Minister responsible for the Emergency Measures Act
Upon termination of the State of Local Emergency:

- Residents of the Municipality
- Manitoba Emergency Management Organization
- Neighboring municipalities and communities as required will be notified.
The Emergency Plan is available for use ONLY by authorized personnel, organizations, department agencies and emergency services listed in the plan with consideration being to respect its contents in order to:
- to protect the Privacy of businesses and people listed in the Plan
- to protect the sensitivity of the document
- to protect the originality of this document
- to protect the confidentiality of this document
The Emergency Coordinator will ensure this plan is reviewed twice a year and amended as required.
The Emergency Plan is authorized in accordance with the Province of Manitoba Emergency Measures Act.